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Pine, Austrian

Category:  Downtown Arboretum

Pinus nigra

66 Trees


Noteworthy Characteristics

Pinus nigra, commonly called Austrian pine or European black pine, is a medium to large conifer that is native from central and southeastern Europe to western Asia. It grows 40-60’ tall over time (less frequently to 100’). Trees exhibit a dense pyramidal habit in youth. Crown rounds with age forming a spreading flat top or dome. From an ornamental standpoint, older trees can be quite attractive, featuring dense spreading branching, stiff dark green needles (3-6” long) in bundles of two and plate-like, furrowed, dark brown to black bark. Oval, stalkless cones (to 3” long) mature to brown.

Genus name comes from the Latin name for pines.

Specific epithet means black.

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