Maple, Tatarian
Category: Downtown Arboretum
Acer tataricum
46 Trees
Noteworthy Characteristics
Acer tataricum, commonly called Tatarian maple, typically grows as a small, upright spreading tree with a dense, rounded crown or as a large multi-stemmed shrub. It matures over time to 15-20’ tall. It is native to forested areas from western Asia to southeastern Europe. Unlobed, broad-ovate, medium green leaves (to 4” long) with irregular doubly serrate margins are found on mature trees. Leaves on young trees are often 3 lobed. Leaves turn yellow and red in fall. Greenish-white flowers in erect, long-peduncled panicles bloom in spring. Flowers are followed by winged samaras (to 1” long) that turn a showy red in summer/fall as they mature.
Genus name is the Latin name for a maple tree.
Specific epithet is in reference to certain areas of Siberia and Mongolia (Tatary) that were invaded and occupied in the Middle Ages by the Tatars.
Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala and its cultivars are more often found in cultivation than A. tataricum.
For more information visit Missouri Botanical Garden HERE