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Welcome to the Historic Second Avenue Walking Tour...

A few years ago, tragedy struck Historic Second Avenue: the "Birthplace" of Nashville, a landmark located close to the riverfront. Take a walk with us from Broadway to Union Street to learn more about Historic Second Avenue and what is to come!

The Scene

You are standing in front of the most heavily devastated buildings from the Christmas Day blast of 2020. On a quiet Christmas morning before sunrise, residents in the apartments and lofts along 2nd Ave N awoke to sounds of gunfire and amplified sound. The sounds came from a speaker mounted to an RV parked 20 feet from where you stand. The song “Downtown” by Petula Clark rang through the quiet, dark street, interrupted periodically by a warning: "Leave the area immediately."

Holiday Heroes

Six heroic Metro Nashville Police Department officers arrived on the scene, minutes before the blast. They quickly worked to enter X residential buildings, knocking on hundreds of doors to evacuate residents. Within XX minutes of their arrival, they removed XX people from the buildings before the bomb detonated at 6:30 am. 

The Destruction

The bomb left in its wake untold destruction to historically and architecturally significant buildings that make up the identity of a historic part of Nashville's downtown core. Home to businesses, entertainment venues, and an eclectic blend of artists, business people, and community leaders. When the rescue response and assessment was completed the tally was shocking:

  • XX residents evacuated
  • XX homes impacted
  • XX retail businesses forced to close
  • XX buildings damaged

Continue walking north toward Union St to your left to see the future of Historic Second Avenue.