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The Nashville Downtown Arboretum is a joint effort by the Metro Beautification & Environment Commission for District 19 and the Nashville Downtown Partnership. The Arboretum was established in 2024 for the enjoyment and education of all who live, work, play and invest in downtown Nashville.

Thanks to an effort led by former District 19 Councilman and Nashville's 10th Mayor, Freddie O'Connell, the Aboretum is home to over 80 tree species.

Baldcypress, Common

Taxodium distichum

4 Trees

Birch, River

Betula nigra

5 Trees


Nyssa sylvatica

6 Trees


Acer negundo

7 Trees

Cedar, Atlas

Cedrus atlantica

8 Trees

Cedar, Deodar

Cedrus deodara

9 Trees

Cherry, Yoshino

Prunus x yedoensis

10 Trees

Crapemyrtle, Common

Lagerstroemia indica

13 Trees

Dogwood, Flowering

Cornus florida

14 Trees

Dogwood, Kousa

Cornus kousa

15 Trees

Elm, American

Ulmus americana

16 Trees

Elm, Chinese

Ulmus parvifolia

17 Trees

Elm, Hybrid

Ulmus spp.

18 Trees

Elm, Siberian

Ulmus pumila

19 Trees


Ginkgo biloba

22 Trees

Hackberry, Common

Celtis occidentalis

23 Trees

Hawthorn, spp.

Crataegus spp.

24 Trees

Holly, American

Ilex opaca

27 Trees

Holly, Chinese

Ilex cornuta

28 Trees

Holly, English

Ilex aquifolium

29 Trees

Honeylocust, Thornless

Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis

30 Trees

Hornbeam, American

Carpinus caroliniana

31 Trees

Kentucky Coffeetree

Gymnocladus dioicus

33 Trees

Linden, American

Tilia americana

34 Trees

Linden, Littleleaf

Tilia cordata

35 Trees

Magnolia, Cucumbertree

Magnolia acuminata

36 Trees

Magnolia, Saucer

Magnolia x soulangeana

37 Trees

Magnolia, Southern

Magnolia grandiflora

38 Trees

Magnolia, Sweetbay

Magnolia virginiana var. australis

39 Trees

Maple, Freeman

Acer x freemanii

41 Trees

Maple, Hedge

Acer campestre

42 Trees

Maple, Miyabe

Acer miyabei

43 Trees

Maple, Red

Acer rubrum

44 Trees

Maple, Sugar

Acer saccharum

45 Trees

Maple, Tatarian

Acer tataricum

46 Trees

Maple, Trident

Acer buergerianum

47 Trees

Oak, Bur

Quercus macrocarpa

48 Trees

Oak, Chinkapin

Quercus muehlenbergii

49 Trees

Oak, English

Quercus robur

50 Trees

Oak, Northern Red

Quercus rubra

51 Trees

Oak, Nuttall

Quercus nuttallii

52 Trees

Oak, Overcup

Quercus lyrata

53 Trees

Oak, Pin

Quercus palustris

54 Trees

Oak, Sawtooth

Quercus acutissima

55 Trees

Oak, Scarlet

Quercus coccinea

56 Trees

Oak, Shingle

Quercus imbricaria

57 Trees

Oak, Shumard

Quercus shumardii

58 Trees

Oak, Southern Red

Quercus falcata

59 Trees

Oak, Swamp White

Quercus bicolor

60 Trees

Oak, White

Quercus alba

61 Trees

Oak, Willow

Quercus phellos

62 Trees


Maclura pomifera

63 Trees


Carya illinoinensis

64 Trees

Persian Parrotia

Parrotia persica

65 Trees

Pine, Austrian

Pinus nigra

66 Trees

Pine, Eastern White

Pinus strobus

67 Trees

Pistache, Chinese

Pistacia chinensis

68 Trees

Planetree, London

Platanus x acerifolia

69 Trees

Redbud, Eastern

Cercis canadensis

70 Trees

Redcedar, Eastern

Juniperus virginiana

71 Trees


Amelanchier arborea

72 Trees

Sweetgum, American

Liquidambar styraciflua

73 Trees

Sycamore, American

Platanus occidentalis

74 Trees

Tulip Poplar

Liriodendron tulipifera

75 Trees


Cladrastis kentukea

77 Trees

Zelkova, Japanese

Zelkova serrata

78 Trees